Monday, March 28, 2011


After Scotland my original plan was to go to Barcelona, but there was a change of plans and I ended up going to Nottingham with my friend Niki. He's from there, so he showed me around and we saw the sights.

Statue of Robin Hood at Nottingham Castle

Nottingham Castle

The actual castle itself is pretty much gone, but you can see here parts that are left, and new stuff built on top

Under the castle are caves and tunnels that run all over nottingham, this was just a small tunnel, but very cool. Niki and his sister Kaytee

Downtown Nottingham

Wollaton Hall

I love English neighborhoods like this.

1 comment:

Shanshine said...

Are you ever coming home? Or is that home now? Will you buy me some street carhart stuff or what. should I come there and find you? Seriously this is ridiculous. I miss you and your face and guts. A lot.