Tuesday, December 28, 2010

nothing too exciting

Just thought I'd keep my blog streak going.  I worked again today, I guess I'm doing a good job because my boss wants me to come in again on friday, I attribute that to me doing a good job and not the fact that it's insanely busy. Ha.  Today was the first day I didn't take a picture, so I'll post something I took a few days ago.  OH yeah, I was invited to go eat toast with some people I work with. I unfortunately didn't go, but I'll probably go next time..to eat...toast.

me and my 400g of chocolate

This is my christmas loot!


I dunna ken said...

Linzee! How amazing your new surroundings are!
Norway has a bomb shelter as their nursery to. I thought it was to keep the crying kids from being heard haha. Our branch pres. lived in Switzerland for a while. Is there a lot of people from Portugal there?

Lindsay said...

yes there are! i work with a bunch of portuguese people!

Shanshine said...

I'm lying in bed. It's 445 am. Can't go back to sleep. Control work... so. I came to your blog. To say. Hi. What's the time difference? Oh. I put your money in the bank... the eagle has landed. I should go back to sleep.

Lindsay said...

Hey! thanks for that! I'm 8 hours ahead of ya. So while you were looking at this I was out on the hill skiing at First, that's the name of the resort. First.