Thursday, December 30, 2010


Schlittle or schlittel or something like that! I got to ride one today, it's a small traditional swiss sled made of wood with metal on the bottom of the skis.  We all went this afternoon and I loved it, I couldn't stop giggling.  We took the gondola up mannlichen and went down to the midway station on these little trails designed for sledding and I just had the time of my life. Everyone needs to ride one at some point in their life.  You go SO fast!

Here is Hayden in the parking lot. This sled has a little seat for kids and an adult sits behind them and steers.

Bode can go by himself, he's way better than me.

Kenzie and Bode using their feet for braking and steering

It's me posing with my sled

The view from our schlittle trail, hard to pay attention with those mountains always distracting you.

There you have it. The beauty of sledding, it's definitely under appreciated back home.  Everyone get on a sled and enjoy!


Unknown said...

yo linds! I am going to order a bunch of them and try and get them shipped back to the states. Let me know if you are interested. They are 80 Euro a piece but will last a lifetime.

Lindsay said...

oh, yeah! for sure. The one I was on was 50 years old. They are solid!