Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm here!

So after several long hours at several airports, I'm happy to report that I made it safe and sound.  I got a few pictures of my new home I'd love to share with everyone.

That's the door to my room on the far left.

Another picture of my new home

I took this at night with a slow shutter speed, you can see the stars.

One more view from my bedroom window

I arrived late in the day, had enough time to meet the kids, eat a delicious dinner of cheeses and salami, unpack my bags and upload a few pictures.  Now I'm off to bed.


Shanshine said...

You made it!!!! It's happening. Whiskey tango. Pictures are stellar. Good work.

Riley said...

The boys are impressed. They are missing their auntie Dinz.

Lindsay said...

Yay! It's sweet here, can't wait to ski down to town.

M. Moore said...

Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! Or, I guess they say "Yodel-lay-hee-ho". You are a perfect Swiss Miss. I can't wait to hear more of your adventures. You are really missed here but we're so excited for you.