Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today we ran a few errands down in town, so I got acquainted with the ways swiss grocery stores operate. You need to put a coin in the cart so you can seperate it from the others, then when you're done you put it back with the other carts and it gives you your coin back. How about that? You also bring your own bags and bag the groceries yourself. After the market we went to Bode's kindergarten christmas party and his class did a little presentation for us. I loved it!

 a view of downtown grindelwald

what will be the end of me

Then at the kindergarten the kids did this cute presentation, when we entered the room it looked like this..

One by one the children walked around the circle to the middle and each lit a candle and placed it somewhere in the pine needles, with some angelic music playing in the background,
 Like so.

this is the finished product, pretty cute. the funny thing was watching these five year olds handle an open flame. Not something that you would see in the states.  It was a really cute celebration, we finished singing o tannenbaum and some other German tunes.


Greg and Leigh said...

I love it!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Wish we were there with you.

Patricia Costello said...

I think the coin-op carts is so they don't have to pay people to bring the carts inside. Quite a money-saver, I'm sure. Thanks for posting!

Lindsay said...

exactly! why pay more for baggers and cart gatherers. Food is so expensive as it is.