Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cologne cathedral

Sorry for the lack of posts. I just spent the weekend in Germany, it was crazy, I'll have a few days to catch you up via photos, so, since it's sunday, I'll post some pictures of this insanely huge cathedral I saw today. It was beautiful, quite gothic. The construction began in the 13th century and wasn't completely finished until the 15th century, although due to age and weather, they will always be working on it, or at least that's what my friends told me.

If you ever catch a train to Cologne Germany, this is the first thing you see when you walk out of the train station.

The inside was defitinely awe inspiring.

Creepy gargoyle guys, look close at this one.

When it was completed it was completely white.

You can see the difference in the color with the new peices added. More gargoyles.

The 12 apostoles.

Pretty neat stuff, I guess there are some cool pictures of this cathedral during WWII, everything around it was destroyed. I need to look it up and check em out.


M. Moore said...

Sign me up for a trip to Cologne. Did you buy some Cologne?

Shanshine said...

i'll take one gnome. and one gargoyle.

thank you.

oh. and i miss you like the dang dicky dickens. so... ya. there is much to discuss.

Lindsay said...

I wish I bought some cologne...funny thing is that the name of the city is not actually cologne, that's the english spelling, it's actually Koln, with two .. over the o.